Lesson plans for February 13-17, 2016


Topics:  Test results; questions about test

Activities:  Students to receive back graded tests;  discuss;  students will then do corrections as needed.


Topics:  Become familiar with new vocabulary

Activities:  Students to define the vocabulary for Ch. 9 using book in Google drive.  Due by the end of class.


Topics:  Protecting your wealth

Activities:  Discuss Learning Outcomes for section 1; students to read and answer the questions on “Measure your Progress” as well as journal question before watching video; Students to watch Video 1.1, fill in note-blanks & journal question; Discussion Questions:  1.  Explain the role of insurance in your financial plan?  2.  Why is it important to understand that insurance is a financial product?  3.  If you have a full emergency fund, what is the best way to keep your premiums down? 4.  What is a deductible? (see sidebar on p. 190)


Topics:  Basic Types of Coverage

Activities:  Discuss learning outcomes for section 2; students to watch Video 2.1, fill in note-blanks and journal question; Discussion Questions:  1.  What is the purpose of liability insurance protection?  2.  why do you need comprehensive coverage on your vehicle in addition to collision?  3.  What are some things that you can do to get a good deal on car insurance as a teen driver?  **Refer to p. 193 “Top things to know about auto insurance”.  Read and discuss.  Also refer to p. 191 “Need another reason to pay cash for your car?”.  Read then discuss.  Activity:  Auto Liability Limits


Topics:  Basic Types of Coverage (cont.)

Activities:  Review yesterday’s topics; Discussion questions:  1.  What does a homeowner’s policy protect you against?  Refer students to sidebar on p. 194/ Discuss; Activity:  Understanding Renter’s insurance

Lesson Plans for February 6-10, 2017


Topics:  Employer Benefits and Retirement Plans

Activities:  Students to watch video 3.1/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  What is the purpose of an employer benefits package?  2.  what are the typical components of an employer benefits package?  3.  When you leave a job, how can you move the money you have saved in your employer’s retirement without paying taxes and penalties?  4.  When is it okay to borrow money from your retirement plan?


Topics:  Funding 401(k)s and Roth IRAs

Activities:  Go through several sample problems, then students are to complete the investment chart on the “Funding 401(k)s and Roth IRAs” worksheet keeping the following things in mind:  Contribution Limits (Roth IRA):  Individual- $5500/yr; Married- $11,000/yr.  Salary Cap (Roth): Single- $105,000; Married-$166,000. If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Wednesday.


Topics:  Review of Ch. 8 material (investing and Retirement)

Activities:  Students to complete Ch. 8 Summary (Test review) using notes from chapter. If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Thursday.


Topics:  Review of Ch. 8 material (investing and Retirement)

Activities:  Students will participate in a test review game.  Top two scorers at end of the game will receive 5 bonus points on test.


Activities:  Ch. 8 Test- Investing and Retirement

Lesson Plans for January 30-February 3, 2017


Topics:  Mutual Funds

Activities:  Students to watch video 2.2/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  Explain how mutual funds work? 2. What is the main advantage of a mutual fund? 3. What level of risk do mutual funds carry if well diversified?  Refer to graph on p. 170/ Discuss.  Will ten go over what a prospectus is and how to read.  Students will then complete the activity “Reading a Prospectus”.


Topics:  Qualified plans, annuities, real estate, stock market

Activities:  Students to watch video 2.3/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  What is a qualified plan?  Give an example.  2.  What does it mean to have an investment with a “tax deferred arrangement”?  3.  What is a Roth IRA?  4.  What is an annuity?  5.  What are some benefits of adding real estate to your investment portfolio?6. What are some downfalls of investing in real estate?  7.  In Dave’s opinion, what are horrible investments?  8.  What is the stock market?  9.  What is the primary difference between the American Stock exchange and the New York Stock Exchange?  Refer to p. 172 “Make the most out of your inheritance”/ Discuss. If time…students will complete activity “Name that Investment”


Topics:  Employer Benefits and Retirement Plans

Activities:  Students to watch video 3.1/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  What is the purpose of an employer benefits package?  2.  what are the typical components of an employer benefits package?  3.  When you leave a job, how can you move the money you have saved in your employer’s retirement without paying taxes and penalties?  4.  When is it okay to borrow money from your retirement plan?  If time, hand back and discuss “Name that Investment activity


Topics:  Funding 401(k)s and Roth IRAs

Activities:  Go through several sample problems, then students are to complete the investment chart on the “Funding 401(k)s and Roth IRAs” worksheet keeping the following things in mind:  Contribution Limits (Roth IRA):  Individual- $5500/yr; Married- $11,000/yr.  Salary Cap (Roth): Single- $105,000; Married-$166,000. If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Friday.


Topics:  Review of Ch. 8 material (investing and Retirement)

Activities:  Students will participate in a test review game.  Top two scorers at end of the game will receive 5 bonus points on test.

Lesson Plans for January 23-27, 2017


Topics:  Investing 101/ Basic rules of investing

Activities:  Students to watch video 1.1/Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students will then identify 2 long-term financial goals and answer the following questions about each:  1.  Am I willing to make the financial sacrifices necessary to meet this goal?  2.  If I don’t accomplish this goal, what are the consequences?  3.  How much money do I need to accomplish this goal and when will I need it?


Topics:  Basic rules of investing (continued), diversification, risk return ratio and liquidity

Activities:  Students to watch video 1.2/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discuss what students put for journal question “If you were giving advice to a friend, what would you say are the most important things to know about investing?”  Discussion questions:  1.  Explain how diversification helps to protect your wealth?  Refer to quote on p. 165 under Diversification.  Refer to chart on p. 166/Discuss.  2.  Explain what risk return ratio is.  3.  Explain what the liquidity of an asset refers to.  Go through example of ranking investments in order of most to least liquid.  Lastly, refer students to sidebar “Throughout Stock Market’s history” on p. 165.  Read and discuss.

**Note:  All students will need to bring your headphones to class tomorrow**


Early release for students- bring something to work on


Topics:  Types of Investments

Activities:  Students to watch video 2.1/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students will then listen to one of the radio call ins from “Live from financial Peace Plaza” then write a brief summary. Will need to be prepared to share their summary of the phone call with the class.


Topics:  Mutual funds

Activities:  Students to watch video 2.2/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  Explain how mutual funds work?  2.  What is the main advantage of a mutual fund?  3.  What level of risk do mutual funds carry if well diversified?  Refer to graph on p. 170/ Discuss.  Will then  go over what a prospectus is and how to read.  Students will then complete activity “Reading a Prospectus”


Lesson Plans for January 16-20, 2017




Topics:  Review Ch. 6 material

Activities:  Students will participate in test review game.  Winning team will receive 5 bonus points added to their test.


Ch. 6 Test- Consumer Awareness


Topics:  Test results

Activities:  Students will make test corrections as needed.


Topics:  Students to become familiar with new vocabulary

Activities:  Students to define the vocabulary for Ch. 8.

Lesson Plans for January 9-13, 2017


Topics:  Consumer awareness/Buyer Beware (cont.)

Activities:  Homework due (Commercial Viewer).  Discuss.  Show Video 4.1, notes, journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students to then complete the activity “The Cost of Cool”.


Topics:  Buyer’s Remorse

Activities:  Video 2.1/Students to fill in notes and complete journal question.  Discussion questions:  1.  What constitutes a significat purchase?  2.  Give an example of immature spending behavior.  3.  What’s the correct way to pay for large purchases?  Refer to sidebar on p. 135 “The average U.S. …” 4.  Can you think of anything in your home that was bought but never or rarely used?


Topics:  Opportunity Cost

Activities:  Video 3.1/Students to fill in notes and complete journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  Why is it important to develop power over purchase?  2.  When considering your buying motives, you should be sure that you are not confusing happiness with fun.  Explain what Dave means by this. **Refer to “how does inflation affect your buying power?” on p. 137.  Discuss.  Students will then be divided up into pairs and complete the activity:  “Opportunity Cost”


Topics:  Opportunity Cost activity; chapter review

Activities:  Students will complete the Chapter 6 Summary and Money in Review using their notes and/or book.


Topics:  Chapter review

Activities:  Students to exchange and grade test reviews.  Discuss any questions that students had over review.

Lesson Plans for January 2-6, 2017


Topics:  Semester exam results; objectives for next chapter

Activities:  Students to define the vocabulary for Ch. 6.  Words begin on p. 131 (when scrolling) of book in Google drive.


Topics:  Consumer Awareness/Buyer Beware

Activities:  Video 1.1, notes, journal question, discussion questions:  1.  Explain why our culture is so heavily marketed to?  Refer to sidebar on p. 130/Discuss.  Then refer to sidebar on p. 131 “Super Bowl ads”/ Discuss.  Will show some old Super Bowl ads  2.  Summarize Dave’s message about having fun with money?  Refer to 2nd sidebar on p. 130 (Teens spending habits…). Homework Activity:  Commercial Viewer.  Completed activity will be due by the first of class Friday.


Topics:  Consumer Awareness/Buyer Beware (c0nt.)

Activities:  Video 1.2, notes, journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students to then complete the 0% down activity on their own.  If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Thursday.


Topics:  Consumer awareness/ Buyer Beware (cont.)

Activities:  Video 1.3, notes, journal question.  We will look at some ads that show various techniques discussed.  Students to then find an example(s) of ad technique(s) on their own.  Be prepared to share with class.


Topics:  Consumer awareness/ Buyer Beware (cont.)

Activities:  Homework due (Commercial Viewer).  Discuss.  Show Video 4.1, notes, journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students to then complete the activity “The cost of cool.”

Lesson Plans for December 12-16, 2016


Topics:  Education Options for the 21st century

Activities: Video 4.1. Students to fill in notes and answer journal question.  Discuss Questions:  1.  Do all career paths require a four-year college education?  2.  How do you know what education and career path is right for you?  3.  What are some important things to consider if you are thinking of starting your own business?  4.  What are some post-secondary education alternatives to a four-year college degree?


Topics:  Review of Ch. 5 material (this will be material for exam)

Activities:  All students that are not exempt and taking semester exam are to complete the Ch. 5 summary packet.  If don’t finish in class, finish at home in order to study for exam.  Answers to review will be posted Tuesday after school here on the blog.



4th period exam is on Wednesday at 10:55-12:10

8th period exam is on Thursday at 10:55-12:10

Lesson Plans for December 5-9, 2016


Topics: Discuss objectives for Ch. 5 (Life after high school); students to then become familiar with Ch. 5 vocabulary

Activities:  Students to define the vocabulary for Ch. 5 using their book in Google drive.  Due by the end of class for a daily grade.


Topics:  Life After High School-  Beware and be Wise

Activities:  Discuss learning objectives for section 1; students will complete the “Measure your progress” for Ch. 5; Watch Video 1.1 and fill in blanks for notes; Discussion Questions:  1.  What are some ways in which you can invest in yourself?  2.  In what ways can you do a better job of investing in yourself now?  Refer to p. 105 “This debt has ruined…”  Will read together and discuss.  Then watch video 1.2 and fill in blanks for notes;  Discussion Questions:  1.  Review:  What are the first 3 foundations?  4th foundation is “Pay Cash for College”.  2.  What is the student loan myth?  Refer to p. 107 “A message from Dave.”  Read and discuss.


Topics:  Exploring the FAFSA website

Activities:  Students will explore the FAFSA website and answer the questions on the “Navigating the FAFSA website” worksheet.  If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Be prepared to discuss your answers with the class.


Topics:  Results from exploring the FAFSA website activity; Ch. 5 Section 2-  Start with the end  in mind

Activities:  Class discussion of results from exploring the FAFSA website activity;  Watch Video 2.1 and fill-in notes;  Discussion Questions:  1.  What are some excuses people make for taking out student loans?  2.  What percentage of student loan borrowers had difficulty repaying their student loan?  Refer to p. 110 “I regret going to college when and how I did.”  Read and discuss


Topics:  Cash Flow your college education

Activities:  Video 3.1.  Students to fill in notes and answer journal question.  Discussion Questions:  1.  What does it mean to Cash-flow your education?  2.  What are things that you can and should be doing right now in order to cash-flow your post-high school education?  Students will then complete the “Looking at college or vocational school expenses” activity using the Internet. If don’t finish, for homework.  Due by the first of class Monday.