Topics: How to create a zero based budget
Activities: Homework due: Cash flow plans for last week. Students will receive “The Student budget” activity sheets. We will go through the scenario one and create a zero based budget for Marcus together as a class. We will then go through how to calculate income for second scenario (Jenna) since it involves overtime. Students will then be responsible for finishing the budget for Jenna as well as create a zero based budget for themselves using their completed cash flow plans. If do not finish in class, for homework. Due by the first of class Tuesday.
Topics: How to create a zero based budget (continued)
Activities: Homework due: The Student budget. Class will be divided up into “families.” Students will draw for their family makeup. They will come up with a family name and names for family members. Students will then draw for their family’s income. Families will need to divide their income by 12 to get a monthly income and multiply by .8 to get their income minus any taxes. Afterwards, students must come up with a budget for their “family’ using the information that they are given.
Band competition- remaining students will be given time to complete any makeup work as needed.
Topics: Review of Ch. 3 material
Activities: Students are to complete the Ch. 3 Summary and Money in Review using their notes and their online book.
Topics: Reinforcement of Ch. 3 material
Activities: Students will be broken up into groups and given a scenario to read and discuss. They must come up with, as a group, some possible solutions to the presented problems as well as answer any other questions that were given in scenario. Students will then present their scenario and solutions to the class. Afterwards, students will be directed to They will need to click on High School link then go to FPP Radio Calls. They will then need to choose one radio call to listen to. On a sheet of paper, you will need to write which radio call topic you chose, summarize the caller’s question/situation, and Dave Ramsey’s advice to them. Due by the end of class.