Topics: Buyer’s Remorse
Activities: Video 2.1/ Students to fill in notes and complete journal question. Discussion questions: 1. What constitutes a significant purchase? 2. Give an example of immature spending behavior. 3. What’s the correct way to pay for large purchases? 4. Can you think of anything in your home that was bought but never or rarely used? Activity: Students to complete the “The Impact of Daily Decisions” using the Investing tool on the website. For homework, if don’t finish in class.
Topics: Opportunity Cost
Activities: Discuss yesterday’s work: “The Impact of Daily Decisions”. Video 3.1/ Students to fill in notes and complete journal question. Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it important to develop power over purchase? 2. When considering your buying motives, you should be sure that you are not confusing happiness with fun. Explain what Dave means by this. **Refer to “How does inflation affect your buying power?” on p. 137. Discuss. Students will then be divided up into pairs and complete the activity: “Opportunity Cost”.
Topics: Opportunity Cost activity; chapter review
Activities: Students will complete the Chapter 6 Summary and Money in Review using their notes and/or book.
Topics: Review of chapter topics
Activities: Students will participate in a review game over Ch. 6 material. Winning person or team will get 5 bonus points added to their test.
Topics: Test knowledge of Ch. 6 material
Activities: Ch. 6 Test over Consumer Awareness