Topics: Debt- Product, Not privilege
Activities: **You will need your headphones today because you will have a sub and will have to listen to the videos for this section on your own.** Complete the Measure your progress (Before). Watch Video 1.1. Take notes and answer journal question. Then read “The Devastating Effects of Credit.” Watch Video 1.2. Take notes and answer journal question. Turn in completed note packet at the end of class.
Topics: Hidden Costs of Credit
Activities: Finish discussing second video from Monday. Refer students to sidebar on p. 78. Discuss. Pull up and show national debt clock on and discuss national debt, elections, etc. Students will then pick a partner and complete the “Hidden Costs of Credit” activity. Discuss if time allows.
Topics: Debunking the Credit Myths; money myths
Activities: Discuss Learning outcomes for Section 2. Video 2.1- students to fill in blanks in notes during video, then complete the journal questions. Discussion Questions: 1. Explain why cosigning a loan for a friend or relative is never a good idea. 2. What is predatory lending? 3. Why are people drawn to predatory lending companies? Activity: “Realities of Cash Advance”.