Lesson Plans for October 31-November 4, 2016


Topics:  Debt-  Product, Not privilege

Activities:  **You will need your headphones today because you will have a sub and will have to listen to the videos for this section on your own.**   Complete the Measure your progress (Before).  Watch Video 1.1.  Take notes and answer journal question.  Then read “The Devastating Effects of Credit.”  Watch Video 1.2.  Take notes and answer journal question.  Turn in completed note packet at the end of class.


Topics:  Hidden Costs of Credit

Activities:  Finish discussing second video from Monday.  Refer students to sidebar on p. 78.  Discuss.  Pull up and show national debt clock on foundationsU.com/clock and discuss national debt, elections, etc.  Students will then pick a partner and complete the “Hidden Costs of Credit” activity.  Discuss if time allows.


Topics:  Debunking the Credit Myths; money myths

Activities:  Discuss Learning outcomes for Section 2.  Video 2.1-  students to fill in blanks in notes during video, then complete the journal questions.  Discussion Questions:  1.  Explain why cosigning a loan for a friend or relative is never a good idea. 2.  What is predatory lending?  3.  Why are people drawn to predatory lending companies?  Activity:  “Realities of Cash Advance”.

Lesson Plans for October 24-28, 2016


Topics:  Review Ch. 3 material

Activities:  Students will participate in basketball test review game.  Winning team will receive +5 bonus points on their test.


Activities:  Ch. 3 Test- Budgeting.  **You will need to bring a pencil since test is on scantron**


Topics:  Test results

Activities:  Discuss test results; any questions about test; students will then correct their tests as needed.


Topics:  Objectives for next section (Debt); students to then become familiar with the vocabulary for the next section

Activities:  Students will define the vocabulary for Ch. 4  on a sheet of paper using online book.


Topics:  Debt:  Product, Not privilege

Activities:  Discuss Learning Outcomes for Section 1.  Complete Measure your progress (Before). Watch Video 1.1.  students to take notes and answer journal question. Discuss video.  The read and discuss “The Devastating Effects of Credit.” Watch Video 1.2.  Students to take notes and answer journal question.



Lesson Plans for October 17-21, 2016


Topics:  Zero-based budgets

Activities:  Students will receive “The student budget” activity sheets.  We will go through scenario one and create a zero based budget for Marcus together as a class.  We will then go through how to calculate income for second scenario (Jenna) since it involves overtime pay.  Students will then be responsible for finishing the budget for Jenna as well as create a zero-based budget for themselves using their completed cash flow plans.  If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Tuesday.


Topics:  Zero-based budgets

Activities:  Zero-based budgets due.  Will go through budget for Jenna together.  Class will then be divided into groups of 4-6.  These groups will represent families of different makeups.  Each group will draw for their personal makeup.  Students will then choose a family name and names for their family members.  Each group will record this information on the Student Activity sheet.  Next, each group will draw for their annual income.  Students will need to divide this income by 12 (to determine their monthly income for budget purposes) then multiply that figure by .80 to get their monthly income after taxes.  After income is determined, each group will work together to create a zero-based budget based on the needs of their assigned family.  MUST contribute some to savings to build an emergency fund.  All left-over money can be divided according to their family’s needs.


Topics:  Review of Ch. 3 material

Activities:  Students are to complete the Ch. 3 Summary and Money in Review using their notes and their online book.  If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Friday.


Topics:  Reinforcement of Ch. 3 material

Activities:  Students will be broken up into groups and given a scenario to read and discuss.  They must come up with, as a group, some possible solutions to the presented problems as well as answer any other questions that were given in scenario.  Students will then present their scenario and solutions to the class.  Afterwards, students will be directed to foundationsU.com.  They will need to click on the High School link and go to FPP radio calls.  They will then need to choose one radio call to listen to.  On a sheet of paper, they will need to write which radio call topic they chose, summarize the caller’s question/situation, and Dave Ramsey’s advice to them.  Due by the end of class.


Student holiday!



Lesson Plans for October 10-14, 2016


Topics:  Check writing, making deposits, recording into a check register, etc.

Activities:  Homework due:  Personal cash flow plans.  Students will participate in a mock check writing activity around the high school campus.  Completed check register will be due at the end of class.


Topics:  Bank reconciliation

Activities:  Students will receive a pretend bank statement and will need to reconcile their bank statement with the check register from yesterday’s mock check writing activity.


Topics:  The importance of having a zero-based budget

Activities:  Students will watch video 3.1 and be prepared to discuss video content.  Refer students to “How do you budget with irregular income?” article on p. 63 of book.  Discuss.  Students to then watch video 3.2 and be prepared to discuss content.  Students will fill in journal question for video 3.2 on their notes.  Go over blanks missed on note as well as several discussions.


Topics:  Zero-based budgets

Activities:  Students will receive “The student budget” activity sheets. We will go through scenario one and create a zero based budget for Marcus together as a class. We will then go through how to calculate income for second scenario (Jenna) since it involves overtime pay.  Students will then be responsible for finishing the budget for Jenna as well as create a zero-based budget for themselves using their completed cash flow plans.  If don’t finish in class, for homework.  Due by the first of class Friday.


Topics:  Zero-based budgets

Activities:  Zero based budgets due.  Will go through budget for Jenna together.  Class will then be divided into groups of 4-6.  These groups will represent families of different makeups.  Each group will draw for their personal makeup.  Students will then choose a family name and names for family members.  Each group will record this information on the Student Activity sheet.  Next, each group will draw for their annual income.  Students will need to divide this income by 12 (to determine their monthly income for budget purposes) then multiply that figure by .80 to get their monthly income after taxes.  After income is determined, each group will work together to create a zero-based budget based on the needs of their assigned family.  MUST include the basics for shelter, utilities, food, transportation, and clothing.  Also need to contribute some to savings to build an emergency fund.  All left-over money can be divided according to their family’s needs.