January 25-29, 2016


Topics:  Investing 101/Basic rules of investing

Activities:  Students to watch video 1.1/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students will then identify 2 long-term financial goals and answer the following questions about each:  1.  Am I willing to make the financial scrifices necessary to meet this goal?  2.  If I don’t accomplish this goal, what are the consequences?  3.  How much money do I need to accomplish this goal and when will I need it?


Early release for students-  bring something to work on


Topics:  Basic rules of investing (continued), diversification, risk return ratio and liquidity

Activities:  Students to watch video 1.2/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discuss what students put for journal question “If you were giving advice to a friend, what would you say are the most important things to know about investing?”  Discussion questions:  1.  Explain how diversification helps to protect your wealth?  Refer to quote on p. 165 under Diversification.  Refer to chart on p. 166/Discuss.  2.  Explain what risk return ratio is.  3.  Explain what the liquidity of an asset refers to.  Go through example of ranking investments in order of most to least liquid.  Lastly, refer students to sidebar “Throughout Stock Market’s history” on p. 165.  Read and discuss.

**Note:  All students will need to bring your headphones to class tomorrow**


Topics:  Types of Investments

Activities:  Students to watch video 2.1/ Notes fill-ins and journal question.  Discussion questions.  Students will then listen to one of the radio call ins from “Live from financial Peace Plaza” then write a brief summary. Will need to be prepared to share their summary of the phone call with the class.


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